Monday, January 21, 2013


We have had quite the long "pause" between blog posts!  SORRY!
Now that we have a new laptop at home, I will hopefully get a lot better at posting again!  Pictures soon!

What have we been up to?

2 new kittens joined the family at Thanksgiving.  Fuzzy & Marbles have fit into the family quite nicely.  Everett and Claire are learning how to sleep with cats that like to play with your feet under the covers.

Pink Eye, Fevers, Stomach Flu, and Colds visited our house.
Kids were surprised that Santa brought them tickets for Christmas.  Everett to Sesame Street and Claire to Taylor Swift.
We also have a lot of new "noise" at our house.  Everett got a drum set and Claire a guitar.

Ross and Everett enjoyed their trip to Sesame Street.
Took a family day to Mall of America to Nickelodean Universe, American Girl Store, and Rainforest Cafe.
Discovered that Everett is less than an inch shy of being 4 FEET TALL!  Had to go back and check...Claire was not that height till the end of kindergarten (Everett is only 4 1/2 years old right now).  So...that made me check one of those height predictors online and they say Everett will be 6'5'' as an adult.  I'm starting to believe it!
Both kids went to the dentist.  Everett did well.  Claire had her first cavity which she got filled today.  She did well and she said it didn't even hurt!  Wow!

Now that I can blog again...I will get some pictures uploaded soon!

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