Monday, May 10, 2010

Kindergarten Shots!

Claire had her 5 year check-up today, which meant all of her kindergarten shots! Ouch! There were 4 of them, which she wanted in her legs and not her arms. While she did not need to be held down (like her winter flu shots), she sure did a lot of screaming! It must have been worse for mom and the nurse than it was outside the room because we ran into Addy's Grandma in the hallway and she said she didn't hear Claire. :)
Claire is 98 %tile for weight and 90 %tile for height (3 ft 9 inch). She is in really good health. She has 20/20 vision when she can use both eyes...but 20/25 when she had to cover up one eye. So, we now have REALLY good reason to make her sit further back when watching TV! Claire was also really brave at the lab when the nurse drew 2 vials of blood. We are going to start to get to the bottom of some of her seasonal and insect allergies....
As you can see in the pictures...she can even laugh about it all now! All in all, she was pretty brave today and we both survived!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Claire - now you are ready for kindergarten! Hugs and Kisses
